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Essentials To Get You Through The Long Run

Let's talk about the long run and what essentials will help you crush it. The term "long run" varies per person, for some it may be 14+ miles and for others it's anything above 60 minutes. Whatever you consider a long run, here is a list of essentials most runners take with them as they head out the door and things that will fit perfectly in our performance shorts that feature an integrated 360º running belt!


If you're running for an extended period of time you will need to refuel after 45 minutes from starting and every 45 minutes after. There are plenty of products that runners can use to replenish their carbs and electrolytes, you just need to find the one that works for you. Remember, everyone is different, whatever works for your running friends may not be the best option for you! It's best to go to your local running store and check out their nutrition section where they typically have single serve options and test them out until you find one that works for you! Don't know where to start? Check out the list below for some ideas:

Let us know below what your favorite fuel and hydration mix you use for your long runs!


Sometimes we need the energy to help us get through the tough leg of your run and chews are a GREAT supplement that will give you the extra kick! Similar to fuel and hydration, there are plenty of chewable's that runners can use for their long runs. It's a great way to get over the dreaded "wall" most runners experience (it gives us chills just thinking about it) by giving you quick energy combined with electrolytes and some with CAFFEINE for that extra kick!

What are your favorite chews or chewable alternative?


Safety should be your #1 priority when you head out the door for your long run, especially if you are running alone. If you're running on the road it's important you know what route you are taking and make sure someone knows you are running and they have your location. If running with a buddy is not possible check out these safety devices that you can take with you next time you lace up and head out the door:

There are SO MANY safety products available for runners, please make sure you are properly equipped. If you have something that you want to share for other runners please let us know.


Don't forget about your phone and keys! For the runners that run with music you know how important it is to have your phone with you. Sometimes you may need to take a look at your map because you missed a turn (we've all been there) or you may need to make a call in case something goes wrong. It's always best to have your phone with you so you can be prepared. Besides, how else are you going to take your post-run pic for social media?


If you have ever struggled with storage we have you covered! All of your long run essentials can fit perfectly in your Keep Going Bold Performance Shorts Next time you head out the door for your long-run make sure you're prepared.

We would love to hear more about you! Please let us know your thoughts!

  1. Do you like running long distances?

  2. What do you consider your long run?

  3. What are your long run essentials?


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